Let me begin with the words of another.
It is absurd to look upon the enormous
amount of pain that abounds everywhere
in the world, and originates in needs and
necessities inseparable from life itself
as serving no purpose at all and the
result of mere chance.
Each separate misfortune as it comes
seems no doubt to be something
exceptional, but misfortune in general is
the rule.
The will to live is a malevolent force
that we as individual selves become
victims of in its process of perpetual
It can never be satisfied
and since we are expressions of it
neither can we.
So, we are driven to consume things, ideas,
goals, circumstances and all beyond
constantly hoping to feel a satisfaction
that never comes.
This is how we are,
this is how it is so easy to feed us to
the mouths of those taking advantage of
our nature.
We the Mikaboshi understand that
through wealth, through growth, through
community, we can ignite change.
We will not be able to cure the human
condition. Merely only satisfy its
constant hunger.
Give more,
consume less,
fight for each other.
No longer be a slave to the control
you've been brought up to accept.
It will not be easy
and not many will make it,
but we have to start.
Join the Mikaboshi,