The Black Dragon Awakes.
We ask you. Do you want to be free?
What does that even mean?
Not always do things make immediate sense. We work, we wait, we exist in shadows. Always watching, always building.
Our labours have been many and unnoticed, but now…. Well now it is time.
The centralized world has had its day, so now we move. We move in blockchains, in code, in networks. We are agile, where they are slow, bloated, creaking under their own weight.
And they cannot see us coming.
Just look around you. Look at the mess they’ve made. Look at the state we are in. Economies are falling apart, markets burning, energy costs are out of control. We’ve been mismanaged into the biggest crisis we could ever have imagined.
So this is for you. Our labour. This is your freedom. As each day passes, the window of opportunity grows smaller. Make no mistake, the waters are rising, and the islands are growing smaller. Many will drown. Many will be trapped. Many do not see what we see.
The hunger of dragons is slow to wake, but hard to sate.
They will try to regulate us. They will try to end all of this. They don’t want to see you win. But they can’t outrun their own demise.